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Name: Jerry Miller

Birthday: February 13th 1990

3D Generalist


Executive Producer


Name: Jonathan Esquivel

Birthday: January 30th

Skilled in Modeling, Animation, compositing and is in school for computer engineering.

Name: Elartwyne Estole

Birthday: September 18th 1986

Awesome Artist in general and makes every thing epic.

Project Realis Concept Artist

Concept Artist

Name: Tina Riel

Birthday: August 5th 1992

Skilled painter and does commisions, is also a cool concept artist.

Project Reforge Artist

Concept Artist

Name: Maika Sozo


Maika is a concept artist, frequently updating their Deviant Art with new creations and recently joined Crimson Wing Entertainment for a major project

Concept Artist

If you are unlisted, you have not assisted

in the development of any project.

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